Meet Anusia


I first arrived in Darwin on 10 July 2018 to further my education. I chose the Northern Territory because I have heard that the capital, Darwin, is one of Australia’s most liveable cities in Australia. I had lived in Malaysia all my life and moving to a foreign country by myself was very daunting and challenging for me. However, living and studying here for over two and a half years now I can say that the lifestyle and study experience has exceeded all my expectations. The study environment here is very individually focused with small classes and dedicated, supportive teachers. There is also a lot of practical exposure for students as volunteers and I have found that it’s easy to get casual jobs in various hospitality businesses.

Darwin is uniquely different city to any others I have experienced. You can enjoy the calmness of the sunrise and sunset by the beaches while still accessing many modern facilities and infrastructure. People here also are kind, respectful and always willing to help.

Choosing to study in our Territory is one of the best decisions in my life. I love to share with others all the positives that studying here has brought to my life and how it can also transform theirs. 

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