Vocational education and training (VET) gives you skills and knowledge to do a job in the workplace such as in retail or an office, or in a trade. VET qualifications are provided by government institutions, called Technical and Further Education (TAFE), as well as a range of Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), which are regulated by the Australian Government. 

VET qualifications are outcome based and focus on the practical skills needed for your skills. Your VET course will train you to design, plan and deliver the practical and technical aspects of your field. 

What’s the difference between VET and TAFE?

Nothing. In the Northern Territory, all VET qualifications are delivered by private institutions and Charles Darwin University. In other places in Australia, government institutions, called TAFE institutions, deliver VET, as well as private institutions.

VET provides international students with qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace.

International education and training providers in the Northern Territory are listed below: