Meet Amanda

Hello, Amanda is here! I am currently studying as a master student at CDU in secondary teaching. Being a StudyNT student ambassador is a fantastic opportunity that allows my experiences to become a source of knowledge for potential students, develops my professional skills and enriches my learning journey.
I previously lived and studied in Brisbane and after I graduated, I returned to China Beijing for three years to start my professional career in accounting. After I returned I felt that education, teaching, is my passion. I decided to return to Australia and complete my Master Degree in Darwin.
Darwin is a multicultural city and a strong Aboriginal population, making it a welcoming and diverse option for international students. There are many groups and organisations I can network with, many of which come together for the Darwin Waterfront Harmony Soiree in May each year to celebrate the cultural richness of the Northern Territory. In Darwin you won’t be surrounded by skyscrapers, it’s warm all year round and you’ll be living in Australia’s “youngest capital city”. That to me, calls life! Ciao!