Meet Nilesh

The journey as a higher education student in the Northern Territory (NT) has been incredible, along with representing Charles Darwin University (CDU) in several student and community engagements. I am passionate about bringing people from different cultures together and help them transform their lives through various community supports and engagements. As a final year accounting undergraduate student, I proudly represent CDU as a student leader and mentor with various leadership positions in different student cohorts.
I advocate and support the university students and liaise with stakeholders as event booking officer and committee representative of Charles Darwin University Students’ Association. I was elected to represent the undergraduate student cohort at the Academic Board of CDU and also the elected member for the Higher Education and Teaching committee of CDU. Moreover, I was elected as the president of Business Students’ Association of CDU and also as the president and founding member of Sri Lankan Students’ Association of NT.
Further, having demonstrated my leadership, determination and passion, I was appointed as the student ambassador for CPA Australia and also as a student ambassador for CDU. Recently, I was selected to represent the CDU Free Tax Clinic at Australasian Tax Teachers (ATTA) Conference held in Hobart, Tasmania.
I am highly determined to create a welcoming atmosphere and support students to make their Territory experience magnificent and I am also enthusiastic in giving back value to the local community.