Study NT Student Ambassadors
As a Study NT Student Ambassador you can experience personal and professional development; networking opportunities with other students, Northern Territory employers and international delegations; valuable work and volunteering experience activities that complement your studies; invitations to functions, business, community and networking events; and opportunities beyond the classroom.
Marvin - Vietnam
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
I chose to study in the NT as there are so many opportunities for international students to study and expand their professional career network.
Shanthi - India
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
The NT is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and diverse community.
Clarissa Gunawan - Indonesia
Australian Careers College
My name is Clarissa Gunawan and I’m from Palembang, Indonesia.
Peter - Vietnam
Charles Darwin University (CDU)
Hello everyone! I'm Peter, originally from Vietnam. I want to share my experiences in Darwin, which I've found to be an incredible place to live and learn.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact email or
call +61 8 8999 7500.