Meet Deepak Chhetry

Deepak Chhetry

Since 2023 Deepak has been the Treasurer and Project Lead for Young Professionals Rotaract NT, and coordinated a team of four in the project JumpStart 2024. He volunteers for Melaleuca Australia, assisting families and individuals from multicultural backgrounds with their employment pathways and he was a Student Ambassador at the National Careers Week. 

Deepak was a Speaker at the Darwin Youth Conference, where he offered advice to young Territorians on accounting career pathways. At the Trade Subcommittee Public Hearing into Education and Tourism he represented international students, sharing insights around studying, living and working in the NT. 

Deepak was chosen as one of a select few students to complete the AWEsome Program, completing a placement in the CDU library, and was able to secure a full-time role in the Audit division at KPMG Darwin. 

Student stories