Meet Yael Astrid


It all started when I came to visit my sister in Darwin. From all the other places I visited in Australia during that trip, it was Darwin that struck me the most by its natural beauty and unique character. I knew that this was the perfect place for me to pursue my academic and personal goals.

After some hard work and determination, I was fortunate enough to receive a Study in Australia’s Northern Territory Scholarship to study here with International College of Advanced Education. I am now enrolled in a program that I am truly passionate about and I feel incredibly grateful to be able to pursue my dreams in such a beautiful and welcoming city.

But my passion for Darwin goes beyond just my own personal goals. I want to give back to the Northern Territory community as much as I can, and that is why I decided to apply for the Study NT Student Ambassador Program. Through this program I want to promote the benefits of studying in the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory, and show people how amazing it can be to live and explore the Top End.

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